Sunday, October 11, 2020

THE DOLPHIN (Story of a Dreamer) - Book Review


#1 International Bestseller - More than 10 Million Copies sold worldwide

Genre : Inspirational Fiction

Rating : ✬✬✬✬⋆/✬✬✬✬✬

Publisher : Penguin

Pages : 63

Let me start with a beautiful Quote by Suzy Kessem - "A heart without dreams is like birds without feathers". This book is a gift to all the dreamers in this World.

This is my First Book review and must say my favorite book ever. And probably this is the reason that I picked it for reviewing. As a kid I have always been a dreamer and I am sure most of you are. But there are times when we are scared to dream, that is because discovering new world will not only bring happiness and wisdom but will also bring lot of insecurities and fear of unknown. But one needs to remember, that you will not be able to reach wisdom without facing your fear and you will never be able to value happiness without knowing what sadness is all about.


Sergio.F. Bambaren is an Australian citizen. After receiving degree in Chemical Engineering worked in Sydney for a while and left his lucrative job to follow his dream. His love for ocean inspired him to become a writer and published 11 best selling books like " The Little Prince " and The Dolphin".


  • If you think due to other priorities in life you have forgotten how to dream than this is the apt book for you to again spread your wings and do things which seems impossible to you.
  • If you are looking for an inspiration and motivation in your life.
  • If you want to feel positive.
  • 63 pages, gets over in no time.


THE DOLPHIN- is a wonderful book that awakens the dreamer within us. This is a story of courage , of struggle against our own fear, our own limits. It reminds us that there is more to life than meets the eye, things we can only discover if we follow our own rules. It is a story of a hope that unveils the magic of this world, the magic we often seem to forget.


This is a story about Daneil Dolphin who dared to dream big. He knew there was nothing more important in his life than the moments he spent riding waves. He was convinced that there was more to life than fishing and sleeping, so he had decided to devote all his energies in discovering the true purpose of his life through his surfing and the wisdom of the sea. But to his disappointment his friends could not understand what he was trying to achieve.


There comes a time in life, when there is nothing else to do but to go your own way, and that is what Daneil Dolphin did. Through out his journey he learnt some great lessons some while enjoying and some though a hard way. He believed in himself and had followed the omens of his journey. He has finally surfed the Perfect wave, and in doing so had discovered the true purpose of his life and that was, live a meaningful life with happy existence. He managed to cross the line where dreams become reality.

After achieving his dream he returned to his pod. He understood that in order to convince his friends,  that they were able to do what he had done, he had to show them that dreaming is something they had experiences sometime in their lives, something they had buried in the bottom of their hearts.He managed to bring change in their perspective through his experience and they finally found some time to live and remembered how to dream.


Follow your dreams, listen to the voice within you and let Daniel Dolphin take you on the most magical journey of all!

Book Information:

Paper back : from Rs. 110 (Available on Amazon)

Kindle edition : free



  1. Loved the concept of this book swati. indeed sometimes we just feel stuck with so many things in life and forget what is our dream and what we actually want from life. will check out this book for sure. thanks for sharing honest review.

    1. I agree finding the true purpose of life sometimes looks so vague...this book is truly an inspiration.

  2. Definitely reading this book now on my Kindle. Motivation to follow your dreams is very important. Right now this is exactly the kind of book I need to read. Thanks for the review.

    1. I am glad you like it....would love to hear about your feedback.

  3. I had read somewhere it's a big crime to have small dreams. The storyline looks inspiring and worth a read.

  4. This definitely seems to be a short promising read that is rather spiritually oriented. Stories of men in search of the true purpose of life are always interesting. Will definitely read it.

  5. Sounds like a great book.. the inspiration behind me wanting to read is to feel positive especially at the current times

    1. Then this is the book you should give it a read, for sure

  6. This sounds like a great book. I love such books that have a thoughful takeaway at the end. Thanks for sharing about it.

  7. The author has used quite simple and lucid language. Thankyou for the detailed review.

  8. We can all do with some inspiration during these stressful times! Thanks for the recommendation.. Liked the way you wrote the review in a simple manner...


  9. A very inspiring post, the book sure must be great. Would surely pick this book

    1. This book is an inspirational..please do read.

  10. wow this seems like quite an inspirational book. nice review. seems like it has taken away a lot of your stress too!

    1. Absolutely Cindy it has.. I was reading this to my younger one and she too thoroughly enjoyed

  11. This book looks like perfect to grab and yes!! we often forget our dreams in this running race of life!! Will sure get this

    1. These books are great reminders...its time to make your dream a reality

  12. What a lovely short promising story to read on! I love your sweet take on the book.

  13. I am a firm believer of the notion that one should follow their dreams. The path may not be an easy one, but one should have a strong willpower. The entire universe will come together and make it happen for you.

  14. Seems like an inspiring and uplifting read. And that it is a short read is a bonus too. Will check it out!

  15. No matter how old we are inspirational stories always give us the push to move ahead. I feel like I'll like this book and will insist my 12yo to read it too.

    1. Yes you should infact I read this to my younger one.. She loved it

  16. I had never heard of this book earlier. In the recent COVID19 times, I have lost a lot in terms of people and work. This one will help me get perspective on my priorities. Thanks a million for sharing this one.

    1. This is an apt book for you Mayura.. Do grab a copy.

  17. Wow 10 million copies sold already .. Now that surely need to be picked & your review always made me go through this book over the weekend itself. - Jhilmil Bhansali

  18. Dare to dream and dream to do! The book seems to be a good one. Heard about it before and now i know what it's about through your review.
    Thats a good review there.

  19. This book seems like a very sweet and positive read. Thank you for sharing such a detailed review of it. I think I would like to pick it up for sure.

  20. I like books that bring positivity or inspiration from the storyline/narration, this seems like one such book. Will check out the book soon.

  21. This book truly looks charismatic.. I am surely taking it up for a read as it seems worthy of bringing a positive change in my life.

  22. Book that inspires us to dream and explore our world is surely closer to the heart.Shall check this book and have a view of perspective of Daniel Dolphin.

  23. It is always important to follow the dream. This book seems very much inspiring story. Gonna read it .

  24. "cross the line where dreams become reality" I am trying to cross that line..that was a great review. Seems like a motivational book.Will look it up.

  25. Beautiful thought...I really think it is important for each of us to find a purpose in our lives... Beyond the rigours of our daily lives.

  26. this story sounds promising. i enjoy reading stories of journeys and aspirations. adding this book to my TBR too and will check it out.

  27. Thanks for the review. I love to read inspiration stuff. It gives the motivation to follow your dreams without losing hope. I will add this book to my reading list.

  28. Loved reading your review of this book and added this to our soon to buy book :) Finding a good inspirational book is like a good treasure :)
